RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

March, 2023


Arkady A. Soldatov

Birth: December 14, 1990, Volgograd, USSR
Citizen of Russia
Address: Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, RAS
119334, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, Russia
Fax +74956512125, Phone +74991370998
e-mail: soldatov_a@kapitza.ras.ru

Research interests

NMR, normal and superfluid 3He, aerogels
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/O-8907-2015


B.Sc. in Physics (2013), MIPT
Thesis on Nuclear demagnetization cryostat
supevisor Prof. V.V. Dmitriev

M.Sc. in Physics (2015), MIPT
Thesis on Polar phase of superfluid 3He
supevisor Prof. V.V. Dmitriev

PhD in Physics (2019), Kapitza Institute
Thesis: Polar phase 3He in nematic airgel
PhD thesis (2019) IPP RAS
Supervisor acad. V.V. Dmitriev

Professional activities

2012 - 2018: lab assistant, researcher, Kapitza Institute
2015 - 2019: postgraduate student MIPT
2019 - present: scientist, Kapitza Institute