RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

A.A. Soldatov
Publication list

  1. B-phase with polar distortion in superfluid 3He in ordered aerogel
    JETP 119, 1088 (2014)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.A. Senin, E.V. Surovtsev, A.N. Yudin

  2. Structure and properties of nematically ordered aerogels
    JETP Lett. 101, 556 (2015)
    co-authors: V.E. Asadchikov, R.Sh. Askhadullin, V.V. Volkov, V.V. Dmitriev, N.K. Kitaeva, P.N. Martynov, A.A. Osipov, A.A. Senin, D.I. Chekrygina, A.N. Yudin

  3. Anisotropic spin diffusion in liquid 3He confined in nafen
    JETP Lett. 101, 808 (2015)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, L.A. Melnikovsky, A.A. Senin, A.N. Yudin

  4. Polar Phase of Superfluid 3He in Anisotropic Aerogel
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 165304 (2015)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.A. Senin, A.N. Yudin

  5. Interaction of two magnetic resonance modes in the polar phase of superfluid 3He
    JETP Lett. 103, 643 (2016)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.A. Soldatov, A.N. Yudin

  6. Observation of half-quantum vortices in topological superfluid 3He
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 255301 (2016)
    co-authors: S. Autti, V.V. Dmitriev, J.T. Makinen, G.E. Volovik, A.N. Yudin, V.V. Zavjalov, V.B. Eltsov

  7. Influence of 4He coverage on resonance properties of a quartz tuning fork immersed in liquid 3He
    J. Low Temp. Phys. 187, 398 (2017)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.N. Yudin

  8. Fabrication of ordered aerogel samples with different densities
    Instrum. Exp. Tech. 60, 737 (2017)
    co-authors: V.V. Volkov, V.V. Dmitriev, D.V. Zolotukhin, A.N. Yudin

  9. Effect of magnetic boundary conditions on superfluid 3He in nematic aerogel
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 075301 (2018)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.N. Yudin

  10. Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons and Spin Superfluidity in the Polar Phase of 3He
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 025303 (2018)
    co-authors: S. Autti, V.V. Dmitriev, J.T. Makinen, J. Rysti, G.E. Volovik, A.N. Yudin, and V.B. Eltsov

  11. Spin diffusion in liquid 3He confined in planar aerogel
    JETP Lett. 108(11), 772 (2018)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, L.A. Melnikovsky, B.D. Slavov, A.N. Yudin

  12. NMR shifts in 3He in aerogel induced by demagnetizing fields
    JETP Lett. 108(12), 827 (2018)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, A.N. Yudin
  • Polar phase 3He in nematic airgel
    PhD thesis (2019) IPP RAS, supervisor acad. V.V. Dmitriev
  1. Superfluid 3He in squeezed nematic aerogel
    JETP Lett. 110(11), 734 (2019)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, A.N. Yudin

  2. Effect of the boundary condition on the Kapitza resistance between superfluid 3He-B and sintered metal
    Phys. Rev. B102(6), 064508 (2020)
    co-authors: S. Autti, A.M. Guenault, A. Jennings, R.P. Haley, G.R. Pickett, R. Schanen, V. Tsepelin, J. Vonka, D.E. Zmeev

  3. Superfluid 3He in a nematic aerogel
    JETP 131, 2 (2020)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.N. Yudin

  4. Fundamental dissipation due to bound fermions in the zero-temperature limit
    Nature Communications 11 4742 (2020)
    co-authors: S. Autti, S.L. Ahlstrom, R.P. Haley, A. Jennings, G.R. Pickett, M. Poole, R. Schanen, V. Tsepelin, J. Vonka, T. Wilcox, A. J. Woods, D.E. Zmeev

  5. Superfluid 3He in planar aerogel
    Phys. Rev. B102(6), 144507 (2020)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, A.Y. Mikheev, V.N. Morozov, and A.N. Yudin

  6. Oscillating nematic aerogel in superfluid 3He
    JETP Lett. 112(12), (2020)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, E.V. Surovtsev, A.N. Yudin

  7. Superfluid β phase of 3He
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 265301 (2021)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov and A.N. Yudin

  8. Polar Phase of 3He in Nematic Aerogel and Quartz Tuning Fork as Sensitive Detectors of Surface Boundary Conditions
    JLTP 208, 3 (2022)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, V.B. Eltsov, J. Rysti, A.N. Yudin

  9. Effect of magnetic scattering on the superfluid transition of 3He in nematic aerogel
    Phys. Rev. B107, 024507 (2023)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, M.S. Kutuzov, and A.N. Yudin

  10. Transport of bound quasiparticle states in a two-dimensional boundary superfluid
    Nature Communications 14, 6819 (2023)
    co-authors: S. Autti, R.P. Haley, A. Jennings, G.R. Pickett, M. Poole, R. Schanen, V. Tsepelin, J. Vonka, V.V. Zavjalov & D.E. Zmeev

  11. Investigations of new phases of superfluid 3He in nematic aerogel using vibrating wire
    Phys. Usp. 67(12), (2024)
    co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, D.V. Petrova, A.N. Yudin