Scaling of the anomalous Hall effect as a method for determining the percolation threshold and
metal-insulator transition in magnetic nanocomposites with intergranular interaction
S.N. Nikolaev, A.B. Drovosekov, M.Yu. Dmitrieva, K.Yu. Chernoglazov, A.V. Sitnikov,
A.N. Taldenkov, A.L. Vasiliev, E.A. Gan’shina, I.M. Pripechenkov, M.A. Simdyanova,
A.B. Granovskii, V.V. Rylkov
Phys. Usp. (2025)
Thermotropic transition solid - liquid at the oil - water interface
A.M. Tikhonov
JETP , (2025)