RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

Valerian S. Edelman
List of publications

  1. Cyclotron Resonance and Quantum Oscillations of the Surface Resistance of Bismuth
    JETP 16(6), 1459 (1963)
    co-authors: M.S. Khaikin, R.T. Mina

  2. Standing Magnetoplasma Waves in Bismuth, Connected with Hybrid Resonance
    JETP 18(2), 566 (1964)
    co-author M.S. Khaikin

  3. Standing magnetoplasma waves in single crystal of bismuth
    JETP 19, ? (1964)
    co-authors: M.S. Khaikin, R.T. Mina

  4. Measuring of electron momentum in Bismuth and observation of it's reflection from a surface
    JETP 20(3), ? (1965)
    co-author M.S. Khaikin

  5. Investigation of the Fermi Surface in Bismuth by Means of Cyclotron Resonance
    JETP 22, 77 (1966)
    co-author M.S. Khaikin

  6. Landau Damping and Resonance Damping of Magnetoplasma Waves in Bismuth
    JETP 22, 1159 (1966)
    co-author M.S. Khaikin

  7. Cyclotron Resonance of Current Carriers in Aluminum
    JETP 24, 920 (1967)
    co-authors: R.T. Mina, M.S. Khaikin
  • Study of magnetoplasma waves in Binsmuth
    Ph.D. Thesis in Physics, IPP AS USSR (1967)
    Supervisor M.S. Khaikin
  1. Penetration of Microwaves Through a Metal at Cyclotron Resonance
    JETP 26, 99 (1968)
    co-author M.S. Khaikin

  2. Cyclotron Resonance in Tungsten
    JETP 27, 901 (1968)
    co-author R. Herrmann

  3. Propagation Velocity of Extremely High Frequency Magnetoplasma Waves in Bismuth
    JETP 27, 927 (1968)

  4. Cyclotron Waves in Bismuth
    JETP Lett. 9, 177 (1969)

  5. Effect of Spatial Dispersion on the Spectrum of Magnetoplasma Waves in Bismuth
    JETP 29, 13 (1969)

  6. Linewidth of Cyclotron Resonance in Bismuth
    JETP Lett. 11, 250 (1970)
    co-author S.M. Cheremisin

  7. Dilution cryostat with condensation pump
    IET 61, ? (1971)

  8. Investigation of Electron Relaxation in Bismuth by the Cyclotron Resonance Technique
    JETP 34, 594 (1972)
    co-authors: S.M. Cheremisin, M.S. Khaikin

  9. Cyclotron Resonance of Non-extremal Orbits
    JETP Lett. 17, 353 (1973)
    co-authors: A.P. Volodin, M.S. Khaikin

  10. Measurement of the shift of the bismuth Fermi level in strong magnetic fields
    JETP Lett. 17, 140 (1973)

  11. Shape of the electron Fermi surface of bismuth
    JETP 37, 875 (1973)

  12. Cyclotron resonance on nonextremal orbits
    JETP 38, 1052 (1973)
    co-authors: A.P. Volodin, M.S. Khaikin

  13. Cyclotron waves in semiconducting Bi-Sb alloys
    JETP Lett. 20, 175 (1974)
    co-author G. Oelgart

  14. Investigation of bismuth in a quantizing field
    JETP 41, 125 (1975)
  • Study of electron spectrum in Binsmuth
    Doctor of Science thesis, IPP AN USSR (1975)
  1. Effective mass of electrons localized over the surface of liquid helium
    JETP Lett. 24, 468 (1976)

  2. Surface electronic states above a helium film
    JETP Lett. 23, 478 (1976)
    co-authors A.P. Volodin, M.S. Khaikin

  3. Electrons in bismuth
    Adv. Phys. 25, 555 (1976)

  4. Nonlinear cyclotron resonance of electrons localized over the surface of liquid helium
    JETP Lett. 25, 394 (1977)

  5. Observation of electrons localized over the surface of liquid 3He
    JETP Lett. 26, 493 (1977)

  6. Development of instability and bubblon production on a charged surface of liquid helium
    JETP Lett. 26, 543 (1977)
    co-authors: A.P. Volodin, M.S. Khaikin

  7. Properties of electrons in bismuth
    Phys. Usp. 20(6), 819 (1977)

  8. Spectrum of electrons localized above liquid 3He
    JETP Lett30, 668 (1979)
    co-author A.P. Volodin

  9. Investigation of the resonance properties of electrons localized above liquid 3He and 4He
    JETP50(2), 338 (1979)

  10. Levitating electrons
    Sov. Phys. Usp. 23(4), 227 (1980)

  11. Photoresonance and mobility of electrons localized over liquid helium
    JETP 54(1), 198 (1981)
    co-author A.P. Volodin

  12. Nonlinear effects in bismuth under cyclotron resonance conditions
    JETP 56, 1343 (1982)

  13. Stabilization of a charged liquid helium surface
    JETP Lett. 37, 7 (1983)
    co-author A.P. Volodin

  14. Investigation of electrons localized above solid hydrogen by means of cyclotron resonans method
    JLTP 52, 301 (1983)
    co-author M.I. Faley

  15. Measurement of the inversion layer charge of a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure in a quantizing magnetic field
    JETP Lett. 39, 576 (1984)
    co-authors: V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  16. Hysteresis phenomena in charging of Si MOSFET in in quantizing magnetic field
    Sol. St. Comm. 51(9), 713 (1984)
    co-authors: V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  17. Oscillations of the chemical potential and the energy spectrum of electrons in the inversion layer at a silicon surface in a magnetic field
    JETP 62(5), 1079 (1985)
    co-authors: V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  18. Valley spliting in the electron spectrum of a Si inversion layer
    JETP Lett. 41, 325 (1985)
    co-authors: V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  19. Scanning tunneling microscopy of the Si-SiO2 interface in a metal-insulator-semiconductor structure
    JETP Lett. 44, 245 (1986)
    co-authors: M.S. Khaikin, A.M. Troyanovskii, V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  20. Scanning tunneling microscopes
    IET, 4, 231 (1987)
    co-authors A.P. Volodin, M.S. Khaikin, A.M. Troyanovskii

  21. Nonstationary phenomena in Si mosfets in the quantum Hall effect regime
    PRAMANA-J. Phys. 28, 595 (1987)
    co-authors: V.M. Pudalov, S.G. Semenchinskii

  22. High frequency waves in bismuth near the cyclotron resonances
    JETP 92(3), 988 (1987)
    co-author M.R. Trunin

  23. On quantum oscilations of contact potential difference
    Low Temp. Phys. 13(9), 979 (1987)
    co-author S.G. Semenchinskii

  24. Scanning tunneling microscopy of a multilayer semiconductor structure
    Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 13, 568 (1987)
    co-authors: A.M. Troyanovskii, M.S. Khaikin

  25. Combination of scanning tunnel and raster electron microscopes in one device
    Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 13(20), 1251 (1987)
    co-authors A.P. Volodin, C.V. Kopetskii, G.A. Stepanyan

  26. High vacuum scanning tunnel microscope
    IET 32(4), 901 (1989)

  27. Scanning tunneling microscopy
    IET 32(5), 993 (1989)

  28. Low power electron beam heater
    IET 33(3), 719 (1990)
    co-authors A.P. Volodin, G.A. Stepanyan

  29. Wide field scanning tunnel miscroscope for operation with scanning electron microscope
    IET 32, 1180 (1989)
    co-authors: A.P. Volodin, G.A. Stepanyan, M.S. Khaikin

  30. Emission of light by the tunnel junction of a scanning tunneling microscope
    JETP Lett. 52, 201 (1990)
    co-authors: I.I. Smol'yaninov, M.S. Khaikin

  31. Light emission from the tunneling junction of the scanning tunneling microscope
    Phys. Lett. A149, 410 (1990)
    co-authors: I.I. Smol'yaninov, M.S. Khaikin

  32. Development of scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy
    IET 34(1), 2 (1991)

  33. The scanning tunneling microscope investigation of grain boundaries in silicon
    Physica Status Solidi A123(1), 193 (1991)
    co-authors: L.E. Polyak, L.K. Filonova, et al

  34. The scanning tunneling microscopy combined with the scanning electron micriscopy - a tool for nanometry
    Journ. of Vacuum Science&Technology B9(2), 618 (1991)
    co-authors: A.M. Troyanovskii, M.S. Khaikin, et al

  35. Spectroscopic measurements of light emitted by scanning tunneling microscope
    Phys. Lett. 158(6-7), 337 (1991)
    co-authors: I.I. Smolyaninov, V.V. Zav'yalov

  36. The development of scanning tunneling microscopy
    Phys. Uspekhi 161(3), 168 (1992)

  37. STM investigation of a Multilayer Semiconductor Structure
    Phys. Stat. Sol. a131, 11 (1992)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  38. Atomic-resolution STM image of a Pb(001) surface
    JETP Lett. 57, 445 (1993)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  39. Formation of atomically smooth terraces during cleavage of bismuth crystals; dynamics of the terrace boundaries
    JETP Lett. 60, 111 (1994)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  40. Amplitude of the atomic corrugation of a cleaved bismuth surface measured with a scanning tunneling microscope
    JETP Lett. 60, 300 (1994)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  41. Heated sample holder for scanning tunneling microscope
    IET 37(4), 528 (1994)

  42. STM observation of twin microlayers on cleaved bismuth surfaces
    Phys. Lett. A210(1-2) 105 (1996)

  43. STM revealing of twin microlayers with quantized width on cleaved bismuth surface
    Europhys. Lett. 34(2), 115 (1996)
    co-authors: D.Y. Sharvin, I.N. Khlyustikov, A.M. Troyanovskii

  44. High-vacuum cryogenic apparatus for scanning tunnelling microscopy
    IET 39, 143 (1996)
    co-author I.N. Khlyustikov

  45. Cryogenic UHV installation for scanning tunneling microscopy
    LT-21 Chechoslovak Journ. Phys. 46, 2839 (1996)
    co-author I.N. Khlyustikov

  46. Scanning tunneling microscopy of the cleavage surface of bismuth crystals
    Crystallography Reports 44(2) 300 (1999)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  47. Nonuniform electron states near cleaved bismuth surface
    JETP 88, 1212 (1999)
    co-author A.M. Troyanovskii

  48. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
    Physics Uspekhi 43, 925 (2000)

  49. Investigation of the Spectrum of Surface States in Bismuth by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
    JETP 93, 731 (2001)
    co-author A.V. Ofitserov
  1. Operation of a dilution refrigerator in a micromode
    IET 45, 420 (2002)

  2. STS study of spectrum of surface electronic states in bismuth
    LT23Physica B329 1094 (2003)
    co-author A. Ofitserov

  3. Operation of a dilution refrigerator in a micro mode
    LT23 Physica B329 1574 (2003)

  4. Scanning tunnel microscopy and spectroscopy of an atomically clean bismuth surface
    Physics-Uspekhi 48, 1057 (2005)

  5. A portable dilution refrigerator
    IET 48, 693 (2005)
    co-authors R. Herrmann, A.V. Ofitserov, I.N. Khlyustikov

  6. A three-coordinate electromagnetic stepping system for positioning the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope
    IET 48, 259 (2005)
    co-author A.V. Ofitserov

  7. Tunneling spectra at terrace boundaries on the bismuth surface
    JETP 107 251 (2008)

  8. A dilution microcryostat-insert
    IET 52, 301 (2009)

  9. A 3He cryostat inserted into refrigerator with an impulse tube
    IET 52, 758 (2009)
    co-authors: F. Herrmann, R. Herrmann

  10. An autonomous dilution micro refrigerator
    LT25 Journ. of Phys. CS 150 012011 (2009)

  11. Optical response of a cold-electron bolometer array
    JETP Lett. 92 416 (2010)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, L.S. Kuzmin, N.S. Kaurova, M.Y. Fominskii, A.B. Ermakov

  12. Optical response of a cold-electron bolometer array integrated in a 345 GHz cross-slot antenna
    IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21, (2011)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, L.S. Kuzmin, et al

  13. A continuously operating dilution microcryostat
    IET 55, 145 (2012)

  14. A controlled magnetic clamp
    IET 55, 717 (2012)

  15. A dilution microcryostat cooled by a refrigerator with an impulse tube
    IET 56, 613 (2013)
    co-author G.V. Yakopov

  16. Power load and temperature dependence of cold-electron bolometer optical response at 350 GHz
    IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 24, 2400105 (2014)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, L.S. Kuzmin

  17. Nonthermal optical response of superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor tunnel structures
    JETP 119 107 (2014)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, L.K. Kuzmin

  18. Quantum Efficiency of Cold Electron Bolometer Optical Response
    IEEE Transection on Terahertz Science&Technology 5(1), 44 (2015)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, A.B. Ermakov, et al

  19. Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Conductivity of Superconductor-Insulator-Normal Metal Tunnel Junctions
    JETP Lett. 101, 740 (2015)
    co-author M.A. Tarasov

  20. Influence of the in-plane magnetic field on the Andreev conductance of a superconductor-insulator-normal metal structure
    JETP Lett. 103(7), 484 (2016)
    co-authors: A.V. Selivestrov, M.A. Tarasov

  21. The use of RuO2 resistors as broadband low-temperature radiation sensors
    IET 59(4), 621 (2016)
    co-author S.A. Lemzyakov

  22. The Andreev conductance in superconductor–insulator–normal metal structures
    JETP 124(4), 643 (2017)
    co-authors: A.V. Selivestrov, M.A. Tarasov

  23. Electrical and optical properties of a bolometer with a suspended absorber and tunneling-current thermometers
    Applied Physics Letters 110(24), 242601 (2017)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, M. Fominsky, S. Lemzyakov, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, D. Winkler, A. Yurgens

  24. Investigation of the Speed of a SINIS Bolometer at a Frequency of 350 GHz
    JETP 126(6), 825 (2018)
    co-authors: S.A. Lemzyakov, M.A. Tarasov

  25. A Controlled Magnetic Clamp
    IET 61(5), 751 (2018)

  26. Experimental study of a SINIS detector response time at 350 GHz signal frequency
    Journal of Physics CS(LT28) 969(LT28), UNSP 012081 (2018)
    co-authors: S. Lemzyakov, M. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, R. Yusupov, L. Kuzmin

  27. SINIS bolometer with a suspended absorber
    Journal of Physics CS(LT28) 969, UNSP 012088 (2018)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, M. Fominsky, R. Yusupov, S. Lemzyakov, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, D. Winkler, A. Yurgens

  28. Annular antenna array metamaterial with SINIS bolometers
    Journ. of Applied Phys. 125(17), 174501 (2019)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Sobolev, A. Gunbina, G. Yakopov, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, S. Lemzyakov, V. Vdovin

  29. Arrays of Annular Antennas With SINIS Bolometers
    IEEE Transection on Applied Superconductivity S30(3),  (2020)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A.A. Gunbina, S. Mahashabde, R. Yusupov, A. Chekushkin, D. Nagirnaya, G. Yakopov, V.E. Vdovin

  30. Matching of Radiation with Array of Planar Antennas with SINIS Bolometers in an Integrating Cavity
    Journ. of Communications Technology and Electronics 65(1), 60 (2020)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, A.M. Chekushkin, R.A. Yusupov, A.A. Gunbina

  31. Response of a SINIS Detector with Electron Cooling to Submillimeter-Wave Radiation
    JETP Lett. 111(10), 539 (2020)
    co-authors: A.A. Gunbina, S.A. Lemzyakov, M.A. Tarasov, R.A. Yusupov

  32. Quantum Response of a Bolometer Based on the SINIS Structure with a Suspended Absorber
    Phys. Solid State 62(9), 1567 (2020)
    co-authors: R.A. Yusupov, A.A. Gunbina, A.M. Chekushkin, D.V. Nagirnaya, S.A. Lemzyakov, M.A. Tarasov

  33. SINIS Bolometer with Microwave Readout
    Phys. Solid State 62(9), 1580 (2020)
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, S. Mahashabde, A.A. Gunbina, R.A. Yusupov, A.M. Chekushkin, S.A. Lemzyakov, D.V. Nagirnaya, M. A. Mansfel’d, V. F. Vdovin, A.S. Kalaboukhov & D. Winkler

  34. Spectral Response of Arrays of Half-wave and Electrically Small Antennas with SINIS Bolometers
    Phys. Solid State 62(9), 1604 (2020)
    co-authors: A.A. Gunbina, M.A. Tarasov, S.A. Lemzyakov, A.M. Chekushkin, R.A. Yusupov, D.V. Nagirnaya, M.A. Mansfel'd, V.F. Vdovin, D. Winkler, A.S. Kalaboukhov, S. Mahashabde

  35. Low-Temperature Radiation Detectors Based on Ruthenium-Oxide Resistors
    IET 64(2), 338 (2021)
    co-author S.A. Lemzyakov

  36. Superconducting Receivers for Space, Balloon, and Ground-Based Sub-Terahertz Radio Telescopes
    Radiophysics and quantum electronics 479 (2021)
    co-authors: Yu.Yu. Balega, A.M. Baryshev, G.M. Bubnov, V.F. Vdovin, S.N. Vdovichev, A.A. Gunbina, P.N. Dmitriev, V.K. Dubrovich, I.I. Zinchenko, V.P. Koshelets, S.A. Lemzyakov, D.V. Nagirnaya, K.I. Rudakov, A.V. Smirnov, M.A. Tarasov, L.V. Filippenko, V.B. Haikin, A.V. Khudchenko, A.M. Chekushkin, R.A. Yusupov, G.V. Yakopov

  37. Non-Thermal Absorption and Quantum Efficiency of SINIS Bolometer
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 31(5), 2300105 (2021) doi: 10.1109/TASC.2021.3057327
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, R. Yusupov, A. Chekushkin, D. Nagirnaya, S.A. Lemzyakov, V. Vdovin, A. Kalaboukhov, D. Winkler

  38. Matrices of SINIS Detectors for Terahertz Radioastronomy
    Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 48(9), 262
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, A.A. Gunbina, S.A. Lemzyakov, M.Y. Fominsky, A.M. Chekushkin, G.V. Yakopov, V.F. Vdovin

  39. Fabrication of NIS and SIS Nanojunctions with Aluminum Electrodes and Studies of Magnetic Field Influence on IV Curves
    Electronics 10(23), 2894 (2021)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, M. Fominsky, A. Chekushkin, V. Vdovin, V. Koshelets, E. Sohina, & A. Kalaboukhov

  40. Arrays of electrically small antennas with SINIS detectors for SubTHz astronomy and atmosphere propagation research
    Journal of Physics CS 2015, 012054 (2021)
    co-authors: A. Gunbina1, M. Tarasov, S. Lemzyakov, V. Vdovin, G. Yakopov, R. Yusupov, A. Chekushkin, D. Nagirnaya

  41. Electron-Phonon Interaction in Aluminum SINIS
    IEEE Transactions on applied superconductivity 32(4), 2400104 (2022)
    co-authors: S.A. Lemzyakov, M.A. Tarasov

  42. Microwave SINIS Detectors
    Appl. Sci. 12(20), 10525 (2022)
    co-authors: Mikhail Tarasov, Aleksandra Gunbina, Artem Chekushkin, Renat Yusupov, and Valery Koshelets

  43. Fast Variable-Temperature Cryogenic Blackbody Sources for Calibration of THz Superconducting Receivers
    Applied Scienses-Basel 12(14), 7349 (2022)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, A. Chekushkin, M. Strelkov

  44. Cryogenic Systems for Astronomical Research in the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Photonics 10(11), 1263 (2023)
    co-authors: Yu. Balega, O. Bolshakov, A. Chernikov, A. Eliseev, E. Emelyanov, A. Gunbina, A. Krasilnikov, I. Lesnov, M. Mansfeld, S. Markelov, M. Markina, G. Mitiani, E. Pevzner, N. Tyatushkin, G. Valyavin, A. Vdovin and V. Vdovin

  45. Microwave receiving system based on cryogenic sensors for the optical big telescope alt-azimuth
    Sensors 24(2), 359 (2024)
    co-authors: Yu.Yu. Balega, G.M. Bubnov, A.M. Chekushkin, V. Dubrovich, V.S. Edelman, A.A. Gunbina, S.A. Kapustin, T. Khabarova, D.E. Kukushkin, I.V. Lapkin, M.A. Mansfeld, A.S. Marukhno, V.V. Parshin, A.S. Raevsky, V.A. Stolyarov, M.A. Tarasov, G.G. Valyavin, V.F. Vdovin, G.V. Yakopov, R.A. Yusupov, P.M. Zemlyanukha, I.I. Zinchenko

  46. Development of Cryogenic Systems for Astronomical Research
    Photonics 11(3), 257 (2024)
    co-authors: Yu. Balega, O. Bolshakov, A. Chernikov, A. Gunbina, V. Edelman M. Efimova, A. Eliseev, A. Krasilnikov, I. Lapkin, I. Lesnov, M. Mansfeld, M. Markina, E. Pevzner, S. Shitov, A. Smirnov, M. Tarasov, N. Tyatushkin, A. Vdovin, V. Vdovin
  • Prospects of millimeter astronomy development at the special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS)
    Astrophysical Bulletin 79(2), 321 (2024)
    co-authors: V.A. Stolyarov, Y.Y. Balega, M.G. Mingaliev, Y.V. Sotnikova, V.F. Vdovin, A.A. Gunbina, D.E. Kukushkin, M.A. Tarasov, M.Y. Fominsky, A.M. Chekushkin, R.A. Yusupov

  • Development of Incoherent 90 GHz Band SINIS Receiver for BTA Telescope
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, A. Krasilnikov, M. Mansfeld, V. Vdovin, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, A. Troyanovskiy, D. Kukushkin, O. Bolshakov, A. Maruhno, A. Ermakov, A. Golovanova
    IEEE 9th All-Russian Microwave Conference, p. 176 (2024)
  1. Crossover to XXZ Chain Spin Liquid in the Frustrated Quantum Magnet Cs2CoCl4
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 55, 1137 (2024)
    co-authors: T.A. Soldatov and A.I. Smirnov

  2. A refrigerator for deep cooling of suterrahertz detectors for radio astronomy research
    A.S. Marukhno, V.S. Edelman
    IET 67(5), 1059 (2024)

  3. The influence of a magnetic field on the conductivity of a superconductor-insulator-normal metal tunnel structure
    A.B. Ermakov, M.A. Tarasov, V.S. Edelman
    JETP , (2024)