RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

Konstantin O. Keshishev
RAS Corresponding Fellow, Professorial Fellow

Address: KIPP RAS, 119334, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, Russia
Fax: +74956512125
Phone: +7(499)
e-mail: keshishev@kapitza.ras.ru

Current research: helium crystal morphology
CV List of publications
Recent publications

  • Study of the 4He crystal surface JETP 116 587 (2013)
    co-authors: V.I. Marchenko, D.B. Shemyatikhin

  • Putting in operation a full-scale ultracold-neutron source model with superfluid helium
    Technical Physics 62, 329 (2017)
    co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, V.A. Lyamkin, D.V. Prudnikov, S.T. Boldarev, A.V. Vasilev

  • Precritical Thermoacoustics in Helium
    JETP 133(6), 786 (2021)
    co-authors: V.I. Marchenko, E.R. Podolyak