RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

Evgenii R. Podolyak

List of publications

  1. Interference of independent loow-intensity light-beams
    JETP 81, 2000 (1981)
    co-authors L.A. Wainshtein, V.N. Melekhin, and S.A. Mishin

  2. Cross-section of molecular-hydrogen photo-adsorbtion in the 70-200 ev region
    Optika i Spectroscopiya 53, 1113 (1982)
    co-authors V.I. Alaverdov

  3. High-resolution soft-x-ray spectrum reconstruction by MWPC attenuation mesurements
    Nuclear Instruments & methods in physics research 208, 637 (1983)
    co-authors E.L. Kosarev and V.D. Peskov

  4. Regeneration of the ultrasoft x-ray-radiation spectrum from measurements of its absorption in a gas
    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj fiziki 53, 1101 (1983)
    co-authors E.L. Kosarev and V.D. Peskov

  5. Multifilament counter with a 5-percent energy resolution for 5.9 Kev photons
    IET 25, 1498 (1982)
    co-author V.D. Peskov

  6. Coordinate gas counters with superhigh energy resolution for plasma diagnostics
    Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research 217, 56 (1983)
    co-authors G.F. Karabadzhak and V.D. Peskov
  • Statistical methods of x-ray plasma absorption study
    PhD thesis, IPP-Phys.Lab.
    Supervisor V.D. Peskov (29.11.1984)
  1. Photoabsorption of x-rays in molecular-hydrogen in the 17-400 ev photon-energy range
    Optika in Spectroscopiya 56, 643 (1984)
    co-authors E.L. Kosarev

  2. Multisection gas counters for spectral studies of weak pulse x-radiation
    IET 28, 968 (1985)
    co-authors G.D. Bogomolov, N.A. Kravchenko, and V.D. Peskov

  3. Comments on the data on photoabsorption in molecular-hydrogen for low-energy x-rays
    Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A 261, 161 (1987)
    co-author E.L. Kosarev

  4. Programs for signal recovery from noisy data by maximum-likelihood method
    IET 34, 1070 (1991)
    co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev

  5. Programs for signal recovery from nosy data by maximum-likelihood principle. 1. General description
    Computer physics communications 74, 335 (1993)
    co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev

  6. Programs for signal recovery from nosy data by maximum-likelihood principle.2. Program implementation
    Computer physics communications 74, 349 (1993)
    co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev

  7. Correction of a magnetic-field generated by a solenoid
    IET 36, 296 (1993)
    co-author L.B. Lugansky

  8. High-resolution neutron tomography
    IET 37, 59 (1994)
    co-authors V.I. Mikerov, I.A. Zhitnev, and A.P. Ignatev

  9. High-resolution neutron tomography
    Physica Scripta T57, 190 (1995)
    co-authors V.I. Mikerov, I.A. Zhitnev, and A.P. Ignatev

  10. Gravity of supermassive U(1) gauge cosmic strings
    Phys. Rev. D61, 125007 (2000)
    co-author B.E. Meierovich

  11. On n-quantum vortices in superconductors
    JETP 94, 200 (2002)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  12. Global monopole in general relativity
    JETP 95, 392 (2002)
    co-authors K.A. Bronnikov and B.E. Meierovich

  13. Phase diagram of surface superconductivity
    JETP 97, 154 (2003)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  14. On the penetration depth of a strong field into superconductors
    JETP Lett. 77, 565 (2003)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  15. On wetting transition in superconductivity
    JETP 100, 311 (2005)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  16. Nonlinear igenvalue problems in smectics
    JETP 111, 1050 (2010)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  17. Effect of Surface Free Energy On Critical Field Hc3
    JETP 113, 1035 (2011)

  18. On the equlibrium shape of eritrocytes
    JETP 120, 751 (2015)
    co-author V.I. Marchenko

  19. On magnetic flux trapping by surface superconductivity
    JETP 126(3), 389 (2018)

  20. Superconductivity localized at an edge dislocation
    JETP 129(1), 97 (2019)

  21. Precritical Thermoacoustics in Helium
    JETP 133(6), 786 (2021)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, V.I. Marchenko

  22. On the stability of axially symmetric states in the Ginzburg-Landau theory
    JETP 136(), (2023)