- Interference of independent loow-intensity light-beams
JETP 81, 2000 (1981)
co-authors L.A. Wainshtein, V.N. Melekhin, and S.A. Mishin
- Cross-section of molecular-hydrogen photo-adsorbtion in the 70-200 ev region
Optika i Spectroscopiya 53, 1113 (1982)
co-authors V.I. Alaverdov
- High-resolution soft-x-ray spectrum reconstruction by MWPC attenuation mesurements
Nuclear Instruments & methods in physics research 208, 637 (1983)
co-authors E.L. Kosarev and V.D. Peskov
- Regeneration of the ultrasoft x-ray-radiation spectrum from measurements of its
absorption in a gas
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj fiziki 53, 1101 (1983)
co-authors E.L. Kosarev and V.D. Peskov
- Multifilament counter with a 5-percent energy resolution for 5.9 Kev photons
IET 25, 1498 (1982)
co-author V.D. Peskov
- Coordinate gas counters with superhigh energy resolution for plasma diagnostics
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research 217, 56 (1983)
co-authors G.F. Karabadzhak and V.D. Peskov
- Statistical methods of x-ray plasma absorption study
PhD thesis, IPP-Phys.Lab.
Supervisor V.D. Peskov (29.11.1984)
- Photoabsorption of x-rays in molecular-hydrogen in the 17-400 ev photon-energy range
Optika in Spectroscopiya 56, 643 (1984)
co-authors E.L. Kosarev
- Multisection gas counters for spectral studies of weak pulse x-radiation
IET 28, 968 (1985)
co-authors G.D. Bogomolov, N.A. Kravchenko, and V.D. Peskov
- Comments on the data on photoabsorption in molecular-hydrogen for low-energy x-rays
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A 261, 161 (1987)
co-author E.L. Kosarev
- Programs for signal recovery from noisy data by maximum-likelihood method
IET 34, 1070 (1991)
co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev
- Programs for signal recovery from nosy data by maximum-likelihood principle. 1. General description
Computer physics communications 74, 335 (1993)
co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev
- Programs for signal recovery from nosy data by maximum-likelihood principle.2. Program implementation
Computer physics communications 74, 349 (1993)
co-authors V.I. Gelfgat and E.L. Kosarev
- Correction of a magnetic-field generated by a solenoid
IET 36, 296 (1993)
co-author L.B. Lugansky
- High-resolution neutron tomography
IET 37, 59 (1994)
co-authors V.I. Mikerov, I.A. Zhitnev, and A.P. Ignatev
- High-resolution neutron tomography
Physica Scripta T57, 190 (1995)
co-authors V.I. Mikerov, I.A. Zhitnev, and A.P. Ignatev
- Gravity of supermassive U(1) gauge cosmic strings
Phys. Rev. D61, 125007 (2000)
co-author B.E. Meierovich
- On n-quantum vortices in superconductors
JETP 94, 200 (2002)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
- Global monopole in general relativity
JETP 95, 392 (2002)
co-authors K.A. Bronnikov and B.E. Meierovich
- Phase diagram of surface superconductivity
JETP 97, 154 (2003)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
- On the penetration depth of a strong field into superconductors
JETP Lett. 77, 565 (2003)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
On wetting transition in superconductivity
JETP 100, 311 (2005)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
- Nonlinear igenvalue problems in smectics
JETP 111, 1050 (2010)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
- Effect of Surface Free Energy On Critical Field Hc3
JETP 113, 1035 (2011)
On the equlibrium shape of eritrocytes
JETP 120, 751 (2015)
co-author V.I. Marchenko
On magnetic flux trapping by surface superconductivity
JETP 126(3), 389 (2018)
- Superconductivity localized at an edge dislocation
JETP 129(1), 97 (2019)
Precritical Thermoacoustics in Helium
JETP 133(6), 786 (2021)
co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, V.I. Marchenko
- On the stability of axially symmetric states in the Ginzburg-Landau theory
JETP 136(), (2023)