- Parametric instability in uniform spin precession in superfluid 3He-B
JETP Letters 83, 410 (2006)
co-author I.A. Fomin
- Suhl instability as a mechanism of the catastrophic relaxation in the superfluid 3He-B
JLTP 148(5-6), 148 (2007)
- Model Calculation of Orientational Effect of Deformed Aerogel on the Order Parameter of Superfluid 3He
JLTP 150, 487 (2008)
co-author I.A. Fomin
- Low-temperature stability limit of the coherent spin precession in 3He-B
JETP Letters 90, 211 (2009)
co-author I.A. Fomin
- Effect of a uniaxially deformed aerogel on the orientation of the order parameter of
superfluid 3He
JETP 108, 616 (2009)
- Low-temperature instability of uniform spin precession in the B-phase of pure 3He
and 3He in an aerogel
JETP 111, 184 (2010)
co-author I.A. Fomin
- Chaotic disturbances in the superfluid phases of 3He
PhD thesis, Kapitza Institute (2010), supervisor Prof. I.A. Fomin
- Coherent reaction of Fermi superfluid on correlated disorder
Phys. Rev. B86, 144523 (2012)
co-author I.A. Fomin
The distorted axi-planar superfluid phase of 3He in the "nematically ordered" aerogel
JETP Lett. 97, 644 (2013) co-author I.A. Fomin
Surface-Induced Order Parameter Distortion in Superfluid 3He-B Measured by Nonlinear NMR
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 235304 (2013)
co-authors: L.V. Levitin, R.G. Bennet, E.V. Surovtsev, J.M. Parpia, B. Cowan, A.J. Casey, J. Sounders.
- B-phase of 3He with polar distortion in ordered aerogel
JETP 119, 1088 (2014)
co-authors: V.V. Dmitriev, A.A. Senin, A.A. Soldatov, A.H. Yudin
- Deformed aerogels in the superfluid 3He
Phys. Rev. B92, 064509 (2015) co-author I.A. Fomin
- Local structure of ordered and disordered states of 3He-A in aerogel
Phys. Rev. B96, 134203 (2017) co-author I.A. Fomin
Phase diagram of superfluid 3He in a nematic airogel in a strong magnetic field
JETP 128(3), 477 (2019)
- Thermodynamic Properties of Superfluid 3He in a Nematic Aerogel in a Strong Magnetic Field
JETP 129(6), 1055 (2019)
Potential Flow of Superfluid 3He through a Nematic Aerogel of Spherical Shape
JETP 133(4), 477 (2021)
- Sound-like Oscillations in the Polar Phase of Superfluid 3He in a Nematic Aerogel
JETP Lett. 116(10), 745 (2022)
- Equations of two-velocity hydrodynamics for the polar phase of superfluid 3He in nematic airgel
JETP 135(6), 876 (2022)
Drag on Cylinders Moving in Superfluid 3He-B as the Dimension Spans the Coherence Length
JLTP , (2024)
co-authors: S. Autti, R.P. Haley, A. Jennings, G.R. Pickett, V. Tsepelin and D.E. Zmeev