- lnvestigation of the interaction of spin waves with the nuclear spin subsystem in an antiferromagnet
JETP 55, 551 (1982)
co-author A.I. Smirnov
- Radiation of electromagnetic waves by magnons
JETP Lett. 37, 701 (1983)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
Relaxation of magnetoelastic waves in antiferromagnetic FeBO3
JETP 57, 918 (1983)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
- Study of electromagnetic radiation by magnons parametrically excited in an antiferromagnet
JETP 59, 644 (1984)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
- Parametric excitation of magnons in antiferromagnetic CoCO3
JETP 61, 128 (1985)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
- Influence of nuclear, elastic and interstitial sub systems of magnon relaxation in antiferromagnets
PhD thesis, Institute of Crystallography AS USSR (1985)
Spervisor B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii
- Magnon relaxation in antiferromagnetic FeBO3 at low temperatures
JETP 65, 134 (1987)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
- Investigation of the hard parametric excitation of magnons in antiferromagnetic FeBO3
JETP 66, 643 (1987)
co-authors B.Ya. Kotyuzhanskii, L.A. Prozorova
- Superconductivity and crystall structure of the
single crystal
JETP Lett. S46, 19 (1987)
co-authors I.V. Aleksandrov, L.N. Demianets, N.D. Zaharov, et al.
- Electrical, magnetic, and structural properties of YBaCu3Ox single crystals
JETP Lett. S46, 249 (1987)
co-authors L.Z. Avdeev, A.B. Bykov, L.N. Demyanets, et al.
- Study of the conductivity of YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals in
a wide frequency range
JETP Lett. 47, 381 (1988)
co-author B.Y. Kotyuzhanskii
- New data on the dependence of the critical temperature on the oxygen concentration in the superconducting
compound YBaCu3Ox
JETP Lett. 48, 493 (1988)
co-authors I.V. Aleksandrov, A.B. Bykov, I.P. Zibrov, et al.
- Ground state of the superconducting compound YBa2Cu3Ox at x<6.5
JETP Lett. 49,327 (1988)
co-authors I.V. Aleksandrov, A.P. Volodin, I.N. Makarenko, S.M. Stishov
- Distribution of oxygen in YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals
with x greater than 0.5
JETP 69, 1207 (1989)
co-authors Y.A.Barabanenkov, N.D. Zaharov, B.Y. Kotyuzhanskii, et al.
- Variation of the magnetic moment of the easy plane antiferromagnet MnCO3 with parametric
excitation of magnons
JETP 99, 1612 (1991)
- Effect of hardness at the parametric excitation of magnons in antiferromagnetic materials
Journ. Phys B3(30), 5751 (1991)
co-authors B.Y. Kotyuzhanskii, H. Benner
- Effect of hardness at the parametric excitation of magnons in antiferromagnetic materials
MMM-INTERMAG IEEE Transections on Magnetics 27(46), 5447 (1991)
co-authors B.Y. Kotyuzhanskii, H. Benner
- Influence of RF irradiation on the mobility of magnetic flux in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals
26-th Congress AMPERE on Magnetic Resonance, Athens, p.58 (1992)
co-author H. Benner
- Observation of the size effect at the linear excitation of spin waves in antiferromagnetic MnCO3
Journ. Phys B3(46), 9253 (1991)
co-authors B.Y. Kotyuzhanskii, H. Benner
- The effect of nuclear spin waves on the magnetization on MnCO3
Journ. Phys B5(25), 4215 (1993)
co-authors J. Low, H. Benner
- Detection of UHF sound in the antiferromagnet FeBO3 by a squid magnetometer
Journ. Phys B6(39), 8051 (1994)
co-authors V.L. Safonov, J. Low, H. Benner
- High frequency electromagnetic action on dc magnetic moment of YBaCuO granular superconductor
LT-21 Czechoslovak Journ. Phys. 46, S1267 (1996)
co-authors S.A. Vitkalov
- Spin-wave resonances in nonuniformly strained films of FeBO3
JETP 85, 307 (1997)
co-authors V.L. Safonov, K.R. Khachevatskaya
- Relaxation of magnetoelastic oscillations in antiferromagnetic FeBO3
JMMM 173, 43 (1997)
co-authors V.L. Safonov, P.M. Loaiza
- Antiferromagnetic resonance in Bi2CuO4
JETP 86, 1228 (1998)
co-authors V.A. Chubarenko, A.Y. Shapiro, et al.
- Magnetization of FeBO3 by microwave pumping
JETP 88, 610 (1999)
co-author H. Benner
- New low-frequency magnetic excitations in LaMnO3 single crystals
JETP 90, 474 (2000)
co-authors A.M. Balbashov, M.K. Gubkin, V.V. Kireev, et al.
- Magnetic resonance on LiCuVO4
Eur. Phys. Journ. B22, 321 (2001)
co-authors Ch. Kegler, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, A. Krimmel et al.
- Ferromagnetic resonance studies of (Ga,Mn)As with MnAs clusters
Physica E1322, 572 (2002)
co-authors Th. Hartman, M. Lampalzer, P.J. Klar, et al.
Anisotropic exchange in LiCuVO4 probed by ESR
Phys. Rev. B65, 134445 (2002)
co-authors H.A.K. von Nidda, M.V. Eremin, R.M. Eremina, A. Loidl, V. Kataev,
A. Validov, A. Prokofiev, W. Assmus
- Triangular lattice antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2 in an applied magnetic field
JMMM 258-259, 394 (2003)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, O.A. Petrenko, L.N. Demianets,
A.Ya. Shapiro
Quasi two-dimensional antiferromagnet on a triangular
lattice RbFe(MoO4)2
Phys. Rev. B67, 094434 (2003)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, O.A. Petrenko, L.N. Demianets,
A.Ya. Shapiro
- Structural phase transition in the two-dimensional triangular lattice
antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
Phys. Rev. B68, 174408 (2003)
co-authors S.A. Klimin, M.N. Popova, B.N. Mavrin, P.H.M. van Loosdrecht,
L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, Z. Seidov, A. Loidl,
A.Ya. Shapiro, L.N. Demianets
- On the possible coexistence of spiral and collinear structures in antiferromagnetic KFe(MoO4)2
JETP Lett. 80, 204 (2004)
co-author L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, O.A. Petrenko, et al.
- 57Rb NMR study of the magnetic structure of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
on a triangular lattice
JETP Lett. 81, 102 (2005)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, N. Buettgen, A.Ya. Shapiro, and L.N. Dem'yanets
- Magnetic phase diagram, critical behaviour and 2D-3D crossover in a triangular lattice
antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
Phys. Rev. B74, 024412 (2006) (cond-mat/0603617)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, O.A. Petrenko, A. Micheler, N. Buttgen,
A.Ya. Shapiro, L.N. Demianets
- Spin-modulated quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet LiCuVO4
Phys. Rev. B76, 014440 (2007)
co-authors N. Buettgen, H.-A. Krug von Nidda, L.A. Prozorova, A. Prokofiev,
W. Assmus
- New dynamical effects in antiferromagnetic dielectrics
Doctor of Sceince thesis, Kapitza Institute (2007)
- Magnetic structure of the quasi-one-dimensional frustrated antiferromagnet LiCu2O2
with S=1/2
JETP 108, 1000 (2009)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.M. Farutin, A.A. Gippius, et al.
- Chiral and Collinear Ordering in a Distorted Triangular Antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 037202 (2009)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.I. Smirnov, et al.
- On the magnetic structure of frustrated antiferromagnets LiCu2O2
and NaCu2O2
Journ. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 022062 (2010)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.A. Bush, K.E. Kamentsev
- RbFe(MoO4)2: An antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice
Uspekhi 180, 880 (2010)
co-authors A.I. Smirnov, L.A. Prozorova, O.A. Petrenko, M. Hagiwara
- Coexistance of spiral and commensurate structures in a triangular antiferromagnet KFeMoO
Journ. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 200, 032068 (2010)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, A.I.Smirnov, et al
- NMR study of the high-field magnetic phase of LiCuVO4
Phys. Rev. B81, 052403 (2010)
co-authors N. Buttgen, W. Kraetschmer, A. Prokofiev
- Spin wave resonances in antiferromagnets
Low. Temp. Phys 36, 926 (2010)
co-authors H.A. Krug von Nidda, L.A. Prozorova
- Possibility of the field-induced spin-nematic phase in LiCuVO4
Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series 320, 012049 (2011)
co-authors M.Hagiwara, L.E.Svistov, T.Fujita, H.Yamaguchi, S.Kimura, K.Omura, A.Prokofiev, A.I.Smirnov,
- New high magnetic field phase of the frustrated S=1/2 chain compound LiCuVO4
JETP Lett. 93, 21 (2011)
co-authors T. Fujita, H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, K. Omura, A. Prokofiev,
A.I. Smirnov, Z. Honda, M. Hagiwara
- High-field NMR of the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet LiCuVO4
Phys. Rev. B85 214421 (2012)
co-authors N. Buttgen, P. Kuhns, A. Prokofiev, A.P. Reyes
- Magnetic phase diagram of the frustrated S=1/2 chain magnet LiCu2O2
Phys. Rev. B85, 054421 (2012)
co-authors A.A. Bush, V.N. Glazkov, M. Hagiwara, T. Kashiwagi, S. Kimura,
K. Omura, L.A. Prozorova, A.M. Vasiliev, A. Zheludev
- Multi-frequency ESR in the S=1/2 frustrated chain compound LiCuVO4
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 81, SB029 (2012)
co-authors T. Fujita, M. Hagiwara, H. Yamaguchi, S. Kimura, A.I. Smirnov,
A. Prokofiev
Magnetic structure of the frustrated S=1/2 chain magnet LiCu2O2 doped with
nonmagnetic Zn
Phys. Rev. B88, 104411 (2013)
co-authors A.A. Bush, N. Buettgen, A.A. Gippius, V.N. Glazkov, L.A. Prozorova,
W. Kraetschmer, A.M. Vasiliev, A. Zheludev
ESR of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet CuCrO2 with a triangular lattice
Phys. Rev. B88, 144403 (2013)
co-authors A.M. Vasiliev, L.A. Prozorova, V. Tsurkan, V. Dziom, A. Shuvaev,
Anna Pimenov, and A. Pimenov
- Magnetic structure and domain conversion of quasi-2D frustrated antiferromagnet CuCrO2
probed by NMR
JETP 119, (2014) co-authors Yu.A. Sakhratov, L.E. Svistov,
P.L. Kuhns, H.D. Zhou, A.P. Reyes
- Search for a spin-nematic phase in the quasi-one-dimensional frustrated magnet LiCuVO4
Phys. Rev. B90, 134401 (2014)
co-authors N. Buttgen, K. Nawa, T. Fujita, M. Hagiwara, P. Kuhns,
A. Prokofiev, A.P. Reyes, K. Yoshimura, and M. Takigawa
Magnetic field driven 2D-3D crossover in the S=12 frustrated chain magnet LiCuVO4
Phys. Rev. B91, 174410 (2015)
co-authors L.A. Prozorova, S.S. Sosin, N. Buttgen, J.B. Kemper, A.P. Reyes,
S. Riggs, A. Prokofiev, and O.A. Petrenko
- Magnetic phases of the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet CuCrO2 on a triangular lattice
Phys. Rev. B94, 094410 (2016)
co-authors Yu.A. Sakhratov, P.L. Kuhns, H.D. Zhou, and A.P. Reyes
ESR study of the frustrated S=1/2 chain magnet LiCuVO4 in spiral and spin-modulated phases
Phys. Rev. B94, 224402 (2016)
co-authors: L.A. Prozorova, A.M. Vasiliev, and A. Prokofiev
- Anisotropic exchange in LiCu2O2
Phys. Rev. B95, 224411 (2017)
co-authors: Z. Seidov, T.P. Gavrilova, R.M. Eremina, A.A. Bush, A. Loidl,
H. -A. Krug von Nidda
- Exotic phases of frustrated antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. B97, 054428 (2018)
co-authors: A.A. Bush, N. Büttgen, A.A. Gippius, M. Horvatić, M. Jeong,
W. Kraetschmer, V.I. Marchenko, Yu.A. Sakhratov
- Search for a nematic phase in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet CuCrO2 by NMR in an electric field
Phys. Rev. B97, 094409 (2018)
co-authors: Yu.A. Sakhratov, J.J. Kweon, E.S. Choi, H.D. Zhou, A.P. Reyes
Multiferroicity of CuCrO2 tested by electron spin resonance
Phys. Rev. B97, 094425 (2018)
co-authors: S.K. Gotovko, T.A. Soldatov, and H.D. Zhou
Magnetic structure of the triangular antiferromagnet
RbFe(MoO4)2 weakly doped with nonmagnetic K+ ions studied by NMR
Phys. Rev. B99(2), 024419 (2019)
co-authors: Yu.A. Sakhratov, M. Prinz-Zwick, D. Wilson, N. Büuttgen,
A.Ya. Shapiro, and A.P. Reyes
- Chirality-driven ferroelectricity in LiCuVO4/
NPJ Quantum Materials (), (2019) Supplement
co-authors: Alexander Ruff, Peter Lunkenheimer, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda,
Sebastian Widmann, Andrey Prokofiev, Alois Loidl and Stephan Krohns
- Electron spin resonance in spiral antiferromagnet linarite: Theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. B100(17), 174412 (2019)
co-authors: S.K. Gotovko, A.M. Kuzmenko, A. Pimenov, M.E. Zhitomirsky
Triangular Antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2 with the Replacement of Nonmagnetic Ions
JETP 131, 62 (2020)
co-authors: T.A. Soldatov, Yu.A. Sakhratov & A.I. Smirnov
Dynamics of the multiferroic LiCuVO4 influenced by electric field
Phys. Rev. B104, 214415 (2021)
co-authors: S.K. Gotovko, V.I. Marchenko, A. Prokofiev
- High-field magnetic structure of the triangular antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
Physical Review B105(1), 014431 (2022)
co-authors: Yu.A. Sakhratov, O. Prokhnenko, A.Ya. Shapiro, H.D. Zhou,
A.P. Reyes, and O.A. Petrenko
- Anisotropy stabilized magnetic phases of the triangular antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
JETP, (2023)
co-authors Yu.À. Sakhratov, A.P. Reyes
Magnetic properties of LiCu3O3: A quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet
on a depleted square lattice
Phys. Rev. B109, 115151 (2024)
co-authors: A.A. Bush, S.K. Gotovko, V.Yu. Ivanov, V.I. Kozlov, E.G. Nikolaev