RAS Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems RUS

Grigory V. Yakopov

List of publications

  1. High-sensitivity 0.13 - 0.38-THz matrix radiometer based on superconducting bolometers for the BTA telescope
    Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 50(10-11), 852 (2007)
    co-authors: A.N. Vystavkin, S.V. Shitov, S.E. Bankov, A.G. Kovalenko, A.V. Pestryakov, I.A. Cohn, A.V. Uvarov, V.F. Vdovin, V.G. Perminov, V.N. Trofimov, A.N. Chernikov, M.G. Mingaliev, V.F. Zabolotniy

  2. A dilution microcryostat cooled by a refrigerator with an impulse tube
    Instruments and Experimental Techniques 56(5), 613 (2013)
    co-author V.S. Edelman

  3. Design of a high resolution spectrograph for the SAO 1-m telescope
    Astrophysical Bulletin 70(2), 226 (2015)
    co-authors: V.E. Panchuk, M.V. Yushkin, V.G. Klochkova, Yu.B. Verich

  4. Calibration of the Spectra of Astronomical Objects
    Instruments and Experimental Techniques 61(4), 572 (2018)
    co-authors: V.E. Panchuk, V.G. Klochkova, M.V. Yushkin

  5. Annular antenna array metamaterial with SINIS bolometers
    Journ. of Applied Phys. 125(17), 174501 (2019)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Sobolev, A. Gunbina, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, S. Lemzyakov, V. Vdovin, V. Edelman

  6. Astroclimate Studies in the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 32(1), 8 (2019)
    co-authors: V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, E.V. Nosov, A.V. Torgaev, V.L.Afanas'ev, Y.U. Balega, V.V. Vlasyuk, V.E. Panchuk

  7. Superconducting Receivers for Space, Balloon, and Ground-Based Sub-Terahertz Radio Telescopes
    Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 63(7), 479 (2020)
    co-authors: Y.Y. Balega, A.M. Baryshev, G.M. Bubnov, V. Vdovin, S.N Vdovichev, A. Gunbina, P.N. Dmitriev, V.K. Dubrovich, I.I. Zinchenko, V.P. Koshelets, S.A. Lemzyakov, D.V. Nagirnaya, K.I. Rudakov, A.V. Smirnov, M.A. Tarasov, L.V. Filipenko, V.B. Haikin, A.V. Khudchenko, A.M. Chekushkin, V.S. Edelman, R.A. Yusupov

  8. High-Resolution Fiber-Fed Spectrograph for the 6-m Telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Assessment of Efficiency
    Astrophysical Bulletin 75(2), 191 (2020)
    co-authors: G.G. Valyavin, F.A. Musaev, A.V. Perkov, V.N. Aitov, V.D. Bychkov, S.V. Drabek, V.S. Shergin, D.A. Sazonenko, D.E. Kukushkin, G.A. Galazutdinov, E.V. Emelyanov, T.E. Burlakova, J.L. Bertaux, A.V. Tavrov, O.I. Korablev, M.V. Yushkin, A.F. Valeev, D.R. Gadelshin, K.-M. Kim, I.-W. Han, B.-Ch. Lee

  9. Arrays of Annular Antennas With SINIS Bolometers
    IEEE Transection on Applied Superconductivity S30(3), 8839845  (2020)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A.A. Gunbina, S. Mahashabde, R. Yusupov, A. Chekushkin, D. Nagirnaya, V.S. Edelman, V.E. Vdovin

  10. Matrices of SINIS Detectors for Terahertz Radioastronomy
    Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 48(9), 262
    co-authors: M.A. Tarasov, A.A. Gunbina, S.A. Lemzyakov, M.Y. Fominsky, A.M. Chekushkin, V.F. Vdovin, V.S. Edelman

  11. A 90 GHz SINIS Detector With 2 GHz Readout
    A.A. Gunbina, S. Mahashabde, M.A. Tarasov, G.V. Yakopov, R.A. Yusupov, A.M. Chekushkin, D.V. Nagirnaya, S.A. Lemzyakov, V.F. Vdovin, A.S. Kalaboukhov D. Winkler
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 31(5), 1500805 (2021)

  12. Arrays of electrically small antennas with SINIS detectors for SubTHz astronomy and atmosphere propagation research
    A. Gunbina1, M. Tarasov, S. Lemzyakov, V. Vdovin, G. Yakopov, R. Yusupov, A. Chekushkin, D. Nagirnaya and V. Edelman
    Journal of Physics CS 2015, 012054 (2021)

Conference abstracts

  1. An array radiometer for 0.13-0.38 THz based on superconducting bolometers for BTA
    MSMW'07 Symposium Proceedings - The 6th International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Workshop on Terahertz Technologies, 1 195, 4294606 (2007)
    co-authors: A.N. Vystavkin, S.V. Shitov, A.G. Kovalenko, A.V. Pestryakov, I.A. Cohn, A.V. Uvarov, O.V. Koryukin, V.F. Vdovin, V.G. Perminov, V.N. Trofimov, A.N. Chernikov, M.G. Mingaliev, V.F. Zabolotny

  2. High sensitive 0.13-0.38 THz TES array radiometer for the big telescope azimuthal of Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences
    IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves,
    15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 117, 4516420 (2007)
    co-authors: A.N. Vystavkin, S.V. Shitov, S.E. Bankov, A.G. Kovalenko, A.V. Pestriakov, I.A. Cohn, A.V. Uvarov, V.F. Vdovin, V.G. Perminov, V.N. Trofimov, A.N. Chernikov, M.G. Mingaliev, V.F. Zabolotny

  3. Development of high-sensitive 1.2 mm imaging radiometer with two-polarization antenna-coupled TES-bolometer array for ground-based 6-m optical telescope
    Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astonomy IV Marseille, FRANCE, Jun 26-28, 2008
    Milimiter and submilimiter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy IV, Proceedings of SPIE 7020, 702024 (2008)
    co-authors: A.N. Vystavkin, A.G. Kovalenko, S.V. Shitov, A.V. Pestriakov, S.E. Bankov, V.F. Zabolotny, E.V. Frolov, I.A. Cohn, O.V. Koryukin, A.A. Kuzmin, A.A. Zubovich, A.V. Uvarov, ASIl'in, V.N. Trofimov, A.N. Chernikov, V.F. Vdovin, V.G. Perminov, O.S. Bol'shakov M.G. Mingaliev

  4. Automation of data pre-processing at the control of optical systems by the Hartmann technique
    Conference on Optical Modelling and Design III, Brussels, BELGIUM, Apr 15-17, 2014
    Optical modelling and design III,
    Proceedings of SPIE 9131, 91311 (2014)
    co-authors: N.D. Tolstoba, V,E. Malutin, E.V. Emelianov

  5. Automation of data pre-processing at the control of optical systems by the Hartmann technique
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9131, (2014)
    co-authors: N.D. Tolstoba, V.E. Malutin, E.V. Emelianov

  6. High-Resolution Spectrograph for Moderate Dimeter Telescopes
    Physics and Evolution of Magnetic and Related Stars
    ASP CS 494, 334 (2015)
    co-authors: V. Panchuk, M. Yushkin, V. Klochkova, Y. Verich

  7. Spectrophotometric Support of Spectral Observations with the BTA Telescope
    9th International Conference on Magnetic Stars
    Physics and evolution of magnetic and related stars
    ASP CS 494, 337 (2015)
    co-authors: V. Panchuk, Y. Verich, V. Klochkova, M. Yushkin, D. Sergeev

  8. Control System for the High Resolution Fiber Spectrograph of the SAO RAS 1-m Telescope
    Conference on Stars: From Collapse to Collapse
    Stars: from Collapse to Collapse
    ASP CS 510, 554 (2017)
    co-authors: H.E. Soghoyan, Yu.B. Verich, E.V. Emelianov, M.V. Yushkin, V.E. Panchuk,

  9. Cassegrain Echelle Spectrograph
    Stars: from Collapse to Collapse
    ASP CS 510, 559 (2017)
    co-authors: V.E. Panchuk, Yu.B. Verich, V.G. Klochkova, M.E. Sachkov, E.V. Emelianov, M.V. Yushkin

  10. Echelle Spectropolarimeter of the BTA Primary Focus: Purpose and Optical-Mechanical Construction
    Stars: from Collapse to Collapse
    ASP CS 510, 562 (2017)
    co-authors: V.E. Panchuk, V.G. Klochkova, M.V. Yushkin, Yu.B. Verich, M.E. Sachkov

  11. Echelle Spectrograph with a Fabry-Perot Interferometer in the Inner Mounting
    Stars: from Collapse to Collapse
    ASP CS 510, 566 (2017)
    co-authors: V.E. Panchuk, Yu.B. Verich, V.G. Klochkova, M.E. Sachkov, E.G. Sendzikas, M.V. Yushkin, E.S. Kulagin

  12. Arrays of annular cryogenic antennas with SINIS bolometers and cryogenic receivers for SubTHz observatories
    EPJ Web of Conferences 195, 05010 (2018)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, M. Mansfeld, A. Chekushkin, R. Yusupov, S. Lemzyakov, V. Edelman, V. Vdovin

  13. SubTHz Arrays of planar antennas with SINIS bolometers for BTA
    EPJ Web of Conferences, 195, 05014 (2018)
    co-authors: M. Tarasov, A. Gunbina, M. Mansfeld, R. Yusupov, V. Edelman, V. Vdovin